CIRCUMFERENCE Measure the complete circumference around your head following the edges of the hairline. |
FOREHEAD TO NAPE Measure from the forehead going straight back over the crown of your head to the nape of the neck. Begin approximately 1/4 inch ahead of hairline to allow for the lace which must be positioned on your head. |
EAR TO EAR ACROSS FRONT HAIRLINE Measure from in front of your ear, just by base of your sideburn along front hairline to the same point on the other side of your head. |
EAR TO EAR OVER TOP OF HEAD Measure from the top of your ear (just below hairline) over the top of your head to the same point on the other side of your head. |
TEMPLE TO TEMPLE AROUND BACK OF HEAD Measure from your temple around the back of your head to the same point on the other side. |
NAPE OF NECK Measure across the nape of your neck. |